Wake-up Yoga


Wake-up Yoga

Come experience another aspect of yoga with breathwork and movement to wake up the body, mind and soul while eliminating toxins, stored emotions, stuck or stagnant energy. This kundalini yoga practice will give you clarity, peace of mind, energy and vitality for your entire day.  

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Hatha Yoga

Our Hatha Yoga classes use asana (postures) with the breath to create a link between the body and the mind.

Hatha Flow

“Vinyasa” means to link together or to place in a special way. In this class, postures are linked together in a dynamic sequence in harmony with the breath.

Warm Yoga

Our warm yoga classes are inspired by both the Barkan and Absolute Hot yoga sequences. We encourage new students to take it easy in their first few classes and for best results practice as much as your schedule permits during the introduction period.

Warm Flow

This is a high energy flow class, where we focus on strengthening the core, legs and upper body to help improve balance, flexibility, and endurance in the body and mind.