Total Sculpt


Total Sculpt

Travail haut du corps, bas du corps avec des cessions endurances statiques et plus dynamique par moment pour faire accélérer un peu le rythme cardiaque !Cours accessible à tous grâce au niveau de difficulté différents !Sans oublier, renforcement abdos - muscles profonds - taille oblique !

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Warm Flow

This is a high energy flow class, where we focus on strengthening the core, legs and upper body to help improve balance, flexibility, and endurance in the body and mind.

Pre-natal Yoga

Prenatal Yoga offers a practice for pregnant women, in a relaxed and nurturing atmosphere. Post-natal yoga: a time for mothers to nurture and be nurtured.

Hatha Flow

“Vinyasa” means to link together or to place in a special way. In this class, postures are linked together in a dynamic sequence in harmony with the breath.

Yin/Restorative Yoga

When practicing yin yoga you develop your mobility by applying positive stress to your deep connective tissues.